Sunday, April 11, 2010

Famous Sighting #2

I always have these dreams about meeting famous people. But I don't just meet them, I hang out with them and they know me by name and we become friends and the dreams happen at least once a month. The worst part is every time I go to take a picture with them I don't have my camera with me, it happens everytime. Last time I actually had my camera I was so proud of myself for remembering this time but when I took my picture with Johnny (Depp) the pictures kept coming out blurry, so once again I had no pictures of my new found famous friend.
Well, the other night my roommates Justin, Suzanne and I went over to the other hostel Vibe for karaoke night. I was sitting in the pub area of the hostel with my buddy Cappie watching drunk travelers sing their heart out when over by the door I see this really familiar face. I did a double take and then stared at this stranger for a few minutes questioning if it was him or not. Now I'm at a hostel so my first thought was "why would he be here?" but the longer I stared the longer I was convinced it was him. I mentioned to Cappie that I thought the guy by the door was from one of my favourite movies. He asked if I was sure; I stared for another minute and at this point was completely convinced. Cappie gets up and walks over to him and starts talking. Within seconds he was smiling and I knew that I had been right. I get off the couch and walk myself over I look at him and say "Warren Beatty"
Ok lets rewind here. One of my all time favourite movies is Empire Records, one of my favourite characters from that movie is the kid who shop lifts the cd's and when he gets caught he says his name is Warren Beatty.
So at this point I am super stoked. May not be super famous but I was so excited I was shaking. We started talking and I asked him if he would mind taking a picture with him and he was like "sure go get your camera" so I went to look for Justin because my purse was in his car when all of a sudden it hit me! "FACK!!!" I left my camera in my other purse. This isn't happening, it's my dreams coming to life. I can't believe I did this, I knew I should've put it in my purse but I didn't think I would need it - I'm in Hollywood I always need my camera.
I was so upset LOL, but lucky being at a hostel someone has got to have a camera.
This is only sighting #2 I wonder how many I will have before I return home :)

Me and Brenden Sexton III

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