Alright, well, Ryan and I saw Judge Judy! We were actually on the TV show as audience members. It was great and better to watch in person then on the TV, dad you would've loved it.
She is so little and looks exactly the same in person, and is she ever fiesty, it was so awesome we had a blast and it has been the best set we have been on so far. We get breaks, snacks, bathroom breaks and almost an hour lunch, and we enjoyed the cases. We definatley want to get on the show again.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Milking It!!! OH and Celebrity Sighings 4,5,6
Alright I know it's been awhile but I have been really busy. I have been doing quite a bit lately and didn't have the best time to blog but now I have the time to update you on whats been going on.
My friend Suzanne and I went to the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. It was so beautiful and absolutely massive and the tombstones probably cost more then all three of our cars put together it was insane. There are some famous people buried there such as Charlie Chaplin, Griffith Griffith (founder of the Observatory - please read Our Beautiful Sky blog) and the guitar player from the Ramon's. It was really cool walking around but you feel almost intrusive at the same time like you have to whisper; plus there was a funeral going on that day so we just kept our voices down. We had a map of all the grave sites but we couldn't find Chaplin's we look for half an hour and then gave up and moved on.
Ryan and I have been doing some audience work for extra cash. Last week it was three days of "Minute to Win It" its' this crazy game show where they take house hold items and make these impossible games that you have to complete and you only have a minute to complete it. The contestant has 3 lives and they are trying to win $1,000. Crazy! but you get so into it as an audience member. YOu start cheering them on and it gets really intense because you have become really invested in the contestant and all you want is to see them win LOL! It was really exciting our first day walking into the studio and seeing the stage and all the big screens and what the set looks like. They really make it look a lot bigger on TV then it actually is. They have this huge archway that is made out of these huge tube things that light up, they almost remind me of waterslides ( I snuck a picture so it will be posted). They have a warm up guy named Bill that plays music and warms up the crowd and has contests for us when the crew takes too long. One day they took long in between games because they were discussing whether or not they liked the colour of the ping pong balls or should they change them. I didn't think it mattered lol but hey, the longer they take the longer I am there and I make more :). Let me tell you though, after three days my hands were sore from clapping so much, but I met a bunch of people and made a new friend, Rachel, who I might ad is a dancer so I am super stoked about that.
On our first morning out to Studio City (where the show is filmed), Ryan and I met a girl on the bus who gave us the contact for Judge Judy! They pay for audience. We are going on tomorrow morning. LOL Judge Judith Schiendlen, it's going to be great we are looking forward to it so I will definately have to let you all know how it was.
I have been dancing again!!! I saw a posting on Craigslist for "Dancers Wanted" and I ended up getting accepted due to my dance background. Man did it feel amazing to be in a studio, that is once I got to the studio. Rehearsal's were to take place @ JV Dance Studio in Alahambra. Ya thats about a 1.5 hour bus ride from where I am. Well, I really wanted to dance so I hoped on the bus around 8 (I missed the first one). It wasn't bad until I started going through some really sketchy parts of LA. Some parts were really pretty and all lit up and people walking around and then; dark, no pretty lights or houses and not that many people on the streets and I was the only white person on the bus. You see in LA most white people don't take the bus especially in the area's I was going through so I get stared at a lot by the men, like I am fresh meat or something so it's kind of scary. I kept asking myself "what are you doing you are crazy, it's getting dark, just hope off the bus and get one back home!!! You don't even know these people you are dancing for what if it's a scam!!!" Everything was going through my head but something told me to keep going. I had to make a transfer to another bus, so i get dropped off at this bus stop in not the nicest area and it is already dark at this point. There were a lot of people there so I felt better but I just kept my ipod on and focused on not making eye contact but of course that doesn't work and I have a young guy try and pick me up. No matter how many times I mentioned "my boyfriend" it didn't work he still wanted to hang out. He then proceeds to tell me that the big massive building across the street is the LA County Jail - the one Paris Hilton went to and then proceeds to tell me he doesn't want to go back. "Just perfect" I'm thinking. My bus finally comes and I make it safely to the studio and an awesome rehearsal. It felt so good to be in a studio again! It was like I was home, like a part of me was sleeping for the past 5 years and has been woken up again. I can't even explain it just felt so good. Anthony (the choreographer) could not believe I took the bus from West Hollywood and told me he lives around the corner and I can ride with him for the next rehearsal. Thank goodness because I wouldn't want to go through that again.
THE SHOW: The show was for Harvey Milk (the gay activist who was assissinated in the 70's - recent movie Milk with Sean Penn). Harvey Milk Day has become a State holiday as of this year, and it takes place on his birthday. It was on the rooftop of Madame Tussaud's in Hollywood!!! How fucking crazy is that. What an honour. It was the inauguration, and I was there. We even got to walk the red carpet!! Thats right, THE RED CARPET. Coolest feeling in the world. The people on the street thought we were famous they were just standing there watching while we stood on the carpet and got our pictures taken by the press. I even met some celebrities. Bruce Vilanche (Hollywood Square's #4), and Darryl - #5 from Noah's Arch. It was probably one of these best experiences I have ever had. Words can not describe what it felt like, and I am not just talking the red carpet I am talking about the whole thing. I never would of had this opportunity anywhere else without an audition so it was all overwhelming. I was so nervous before we went on but I remembered everything! Yay me :)! Oh and the beautiful men! all so beautiful and all so gay. I was in heaven. WE all know how much I love them. It was A-Mazing!!! Plus I met some dancers, mad new friends and got an audition for the next day.
I missed my bus but grabbed the next one and headed to the audition. Pumped and ready to go because the previous night had given me faith in my dancing again so I decided why not. Why not just stay home? should've been the real question. I get there late but he brings me in anyways when he started the new section. Ok, sweet, perfect I dont have to catch up. Though catching on would've been a good thing. I couldn't do it. It was so fast I just couldnt remember the choreography, I was marking it so I would remember it and then he would move on to something else and then the next thing I knew he was putting us into groups. HELL NOOOOO!!! I was so frustrated. This had never happened to me before at an audition, I would freeze due to nerves but never not be able to catch on. 5 years is a long time without training and I am definately not up to par the way I was. It's hard to pick up the choreography when it's been so long especially when you've gotten used to it. I didnt even have the choreography and they wanted to put us into groups and most likely do some cuts. I really wanted to spare myself some embarassment. With my head held high and as brave as I could I walked up to the front and said " I am really sorry but I have not trained in five years and I just can't keep up with the speed you are going. I need time to go over it. I just can't keep up I'm sorry" and I walked out and started to cry. Not because I didnt get the audition but because I just couldn't keep up, it was so frustrating and I was really embarrassed. Then realizing i left my shirt in there I had to go back in. I grabbed it quickly and walked back out. Still with tears in my eyes I put my bag on my shoulder and walked to the nearest 711 and got myself a coke slushy (one of my fav) and waited for the bus. Now as much as this did suck and I was upset I still went and did it. I may have walked out but I still showed up and gave it what I could.
Yet, when in doubt check Craigslist - which after I did after I called my mom. I found a posting for a music video. They needed hip hop dancers for a music video shoot on Saturday. So I sent in my pictures and my background and .........I GOT IT!!! We started rehearsals today. No auditions there is no time so it's bonus for me and free dance classes. It's not paid but I need it. Plus I have time to go over everything. Rehearsal rocked, I felt alive after, I can't explain how it makes me feel. To top it off we were rehearsing at this super high end gym called Equinox in Westwood which is on the West Side of Beverly Hills, and I mean high end. It's almost like a resort it's so nice. Anyways there we are rehearsing and what do you know, we look over and there was Marlon Wayans #6 running on the treadmill. HAHA I love LA, and yes of course I got a picture!!!
Well hope thats a good update. There will be more soon. I miss you all very much and I have been a little homesick. Writing these blogs makes me feel a little closer to you guys. For those of you that do have twitter I am obsessed and always updating so you can add me at
Check Forever Cemetary and Milking It photo albums on Facebook.
My friend Suzanne and I went to the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. It was so beautiful and absolutely massive and the tombstones probably cost more then all three of our cars put together it was insane. There are some famous people buried there such as Charlie Chaplin, Griffith Griffith (founder of the Observatory - please read Our Beautiful Sky blog) and the guitar player from the Ramon's. It was really cool walking around but you feel almost intrusive at the same time like you have to whisper; plus there was a funeral going on that day so we just kept our voices down. We had a map of all the grave sites but we couldn't find Chaplin's we look for half an hour and then gave up and moved on.
Ryan and I have been doing some audience work for extra cash. Last week it was three days of "Minute to Win It" its' this crazy game show where they take house hold items and make these impossible games that you have to complete and you only have a minute to complete it. The contestant has 3 lives and they are trying to win $1,000. Crazy! but you get so into it as an audience member. YOu start cheering them on and it gets really intense because you have become really invested in the contestant and all you want is to see them win LOL! It was really exciting our first day walking into the studio and seeing the stage and all the big screens and what the set looks like. They really make it look a lot bigger on TV then it actually is. They have this huge archway that is made out of these huge tube things that light up, they almost remind me of waterslides ( I snuck a picture so it will be posted). They have a warm up guy named Bill that plays music and warms up the crowd and has contests for us when the crew takes too long. One day they took long in between games because they were discussing whether or not they liked the colour of the ping pong balls or should they change them. I didn't think it mattered lol but hey, the longer they take the longer I am there and I make more :). Let me tell you though, after three days my hands were sore from clapping so much, but I met a bunch of people and made a new friend, Rachel, who I might ad is a dancer so I am super stoked about that.
On our first morning out to Studio City (where the show is filmed), Ryan and I met a girl on the bus who gave us the contact for Judge Judy! They pay for audience. We are going on tomorrow morning. LOL Judge Judith Schiendlen, it's going to be great we are looking forward to it so I will definately have to let you all know how it was.
I have been dancing again!!! I saw a posting on Craigslist for "Dancers Wanted" and I ended up getting accepted due to my dance background. Man did it feel amazing to be in a studio, that is once I got to the studio. Rehearsal's were to take place @ JV Dance Studio in Alahambra. Ya thats about a 1.5 hour bus ride from where I am. Well, I really wanted to dance so I hoped on the bus around 8 (I missed the first one). It wasn't bad until I started going through some really sketchy parts of LA. Some parts were really pretty and all lit up and people walking around and then; dark, no pretty lights or houses and not that many people on the streets and I was the only white person on the bus. You see in LA most white people don't take the bus especially in the area's I was going through so I get stared at a lot by the men, like I am fresh meat or something so it's kind of scary. I kept asking myself "what are you doing you are crazy, it's getting dark, just hope off the bus and get one back home!!! You don't even know these people you are dancing for what if it's a scam!!!" Everything was going through my head but something told me to keep going. I had to make a transfer to another bus, so i get dropped off at this bus stop in not the nicest area and it is already dark at this point. There were a lot of people there so I felt better but I just kept my ipod on and focused on not making eye contact but of course that doesn't work and I have a young guy try and pick me up. No matter how many times I mentioned "my boyfriend" it didn't work he still wanted to hang out. He then proceeds to tell me that the big massive building across the street is the LA County Jail - the one Paris Hilton went to and then proceeds to tell me he doesn't want to go back. "Just perfect" I'm thinking. My bus finally comes and I make it safely to the studio and an awesome rehearsal. It felt so good to be in a studio again! It was like I was home, like a part of me was sleeping for the past 5 years and has been woken up again. I can't even explain it just felt so good. Anthony (the choreographer) could not believe I took the bus from West Hollywood and told me he lives around the corner and I can ride with him for the next rehearsal. Thank goodness because I wouldn't want to go through that again.
THE SHOW: The show was for Harvey Milk (the gay activist who was assissinated in the 70's - recent movie Milk with Sean Penn). Harvey Milk Day has become a State holiday as of this year, and it takes place on his birthday. It was on the rooftop of Madame Tussaud's in Hollywood!!! How fucking crazy is that. What an honour. It was the inauguration, and I was there. We even got to walk the red carpet!! Thats right, THE RED CARPET. Coolest feeling in the world. The people on the street thought we were famous they were just standing there watching while we stood on the carpet and got our pictures taken by the press. I even met some celebrities. Bruce Vilanche (Hollywood Square's #4), and Darryl - #5 from Noah's Arch. It was probably one of these best experiences I have ever had. Words can not describe what it felt like, and I am not just talking the red carpet I am talking about the whole thing. I never would of had this opportunity anywhere else without an audition so it was all overwhelming. I was so nervous before we went on but I remembered everything! Yay me :)! Oh and the beautiful men! all so beautiful and all so gay. I was in heaven. WE all know how much I love them. It was A-Mazing!!! Plus I met some dancers, mad new friends and got an audition for the next day.
I missed my bus but grabbed the next one and headed to the audition. Pumped and ready to go because the previous night had given me faith in my dancing again so I decided why not. Why not just stay home? should've been the real question. I get there late but he brings me in anyways when he started the new section. Ok, sweet, perfect I dont have to catch up. Though catching on would've been a good thing. I couldn't do it. It was so fast I just couldnt remember the choreography, I was marking it so I would remember it and then he would move on to something else and then the next thing I knew he was putting us into groups. HELL NOOOOO!!! I was so frustrated. This had never happened to me before at an audition, I would freeze due to nerves but never not be able to catch on. 5 years is a long time without training and I am definately not up to par the way I was. It's hard to pick up the choreography when it's been so long especially when you've gotten used to it. I didnt even have the choreography and they wanted to put us into groups and most likely do some cuts. I really wanted to spare myself some embarassment. With my head held high and as brave as I could I walked up to the front and said " I am really sorry but I have not trained in five years and I just can't keep up with the speed you are going. I need time to go over it. I just can't keep up I'm sorry" and I walked out and started to cry. Not because I didnt get the audition but because I just couldn't keep up, it was so frustrating and I was really embarrassed. Then realizing i left my shirt in there I had to go back in. I grabbed it quickly and walked back out. Still with tears in my eyes I put my bag on my shoulder and walked to the nearest 711 and got myself a coke slushy (one of my fav) and waited for the bus. Now as much as this did suck and I was upset I still went and did it. I may have walked out but I still showed up and gave it what I could.
Yet, when in doubt check Craigslist - which after I did after I called my mom. I found a posting for a music video. They needed hip hop dancers for a music video shoot on Saturday. So I sent in my pictures and my background and .........I GOT IT!!! We started rehearsals today. No auditions there is no time so it's bonus for me and free dance classes. It's not paid but I need it. Plus I have time to go over everything. Rehearsal rocked, I felt alive after, I can't explain how it makes me feel. To top it off we were rehearsing at this super high end gym called Equinox in Westwood which is on the West Side of Beverly Hills, and I mean high end. It's almost like a resort it's so nice. Anyways there we are rehearsing and what do you know, we look over and there was Marlon Wayans #6 running on the treadmill. HAHA I love LA, and yes of course I got a picture!!!
Well hope thats a good update. There will be more soon. I miss you all very much and I have been a little homesick. Writing these blogs makes me feel a little closer to you guys. For those of you that do have twitter I am obsessed and always updating so you can add me at
Check Forever Cemetary and Milking It photo albums on Facebook.
red carpet,
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Famous Sighting #3
So my roommate Steve turns on the TV the other night and the channel that came on was some talk show and there is this man sitting at the table that I recognized. I said "hey, he comes into the club all the time" "Thats Lemme" Steve says "from Motorhead" "oh cool! What's Motorhead" I know there are a ton of you probably wondering how I dont know who or what Motorhead was but I do now and I also know that Lemme is the lead singer. I see him every weekend at the club, I even had a cigarette with him one night. Ha ha I had no idea!!! Sorry I have no pictures.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Lopedog and Dallas Daze
My dearest Dallas,
I know I was supposed to write you a plane letter but when I was planning on writing it we cooked up our last super and cried over a bottle of wine instead. So here is your online plane letter/blog. Besides I want everyone to see what you mean to me.
But where do I begin there is so much to say. Well, you haven't been gone even a week and I miss you like crazy. I cried a little on Saturday, I saw your stupid empty bottle of Ancient Age and started tearing so I went and put on your hoodie. Then at work they played Lady GaGa and had to hold back the tears.
Now enough about "you" lets talk about how I feel about "you." :)
I have to find a new adventure buddy :( I miss seeing your face everyday. I haven't been to the hostel there is no point. Who is going to sing songs and show tunes with me in unison at the drop of a hat. Who can I quiz on movie lines: "Me!" "Excuse me officer don't you know who this man is?..."
I have so many memories with you that should never be forgotten. Here goes.
I don't know what else to say except I love you and I can't wait to see you in February. Like Ivana told you, spray yourself all over Australia, I know you will. The movie industry doesn't know what's coming to them. Be strong and remember who you are, you have worked hard and deserve everything that is coming to you. I have tears in my eye's right now (this is where you can cry). Don't forget I am your date to the Oscar's. Take care of you and CALL ME!!! I love you sooo much and can't wait for the days that we will meet again.
Take care my love.
Mates for life
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