By the time Sunday hit my phone and my Facebook were going crazy with messages from people that wanted guestlist. It was great I had over 37+ on my list and I only needed 20 so I was pretty happy.
I had to be at the club by 9:30p that night so Ryan, Justin, Ethan, Mandy and I all got a cab at 9p and headed down to Ecco (the club).
It was pretty awesome when I first got there. All the promoters got in a line and were directed into the club. Once we got inside we had a bit of an orientation and that was it. We had done our job and now we were just able to enjoy the event. I was thinking “this is great! Promote al week and then get into the parties for free. Sweet!” Boy, was I wrong. No line up for guestlist/VIP passes = in a line up for over an hour. Open bar till 10:30p = no running it by the owner so it was cancelled meaning drinks were $11 each. Usher listening party = Usher is a no show. Getting paid to promote the events = not being able to get a hold of your boss. Now don’t get me wrong, we had an absolute blast, maybe too much of a blast considering we spent way too much money. Using my VISA for emergencies only ended up being I need a rum and diet it’s an emergency lol. But, it was all worth it in the end.
We ended up leaving just after 1am as we had drank a little too much and thought it best we just head back to the hostel. We grabbed some street meat and hailed a cab. Now let me tell you something about the cabbies here in Hollywood. THEY ALL NEED AN ADDITUDE REAJUSTMENT. First off every time I get into a cab and ask them to take me somewhere they don’t even know where it is. My first night here I was getting dropped off at Ella’s and the cab pulled over and I politely asked “is this the address” he rudely replied “how am I supposed to know I have never been here before, you don’t know where you’re going!” It really makes me miss the cabbies in Collingwood, they are so much nicer and actually make your ride more enjoyable. Anyways when we got into the cab after the club all I remember is Ryan arguing with the cab driver. Apparantly he wanted to charge us a $20 flat rate when we were only a $16 cab drive away. So the cab driver decides to turn around with the meter running and drive back to the club to over charge us. We finally calmed him down and got him to drive us back to the hostel which only ended up being an $11 cab ride.
So now lets fast forward as few days to Wednesday. Dallas and I decide that we wouldn't mind grabbing a bottle of cheap vodka ($12 for 20oz) and listening to some tunes down in the party room. So thats exactly what we did. We pounded out Lady Gaga on the stereo speakers and danced on the coffee tables which actually scared some people from coming in the room. A small speaker even fell from the ceiling but we don't even know where it came from lol.
The next morning was beach day for Dallas and I, ya, ok, let me tell you how GREAT I felt (pure sarcasm here). I felt like I had been hit by a truck, cheap vodka may be good for my budget but it definately isn't good for me lol. We decided to nix on the beach till the following day (Friday) and just allow ourselves to devulge in our own self inflicted illness. With painful heads and upset stomachs we decided to take the 45 minute walk down to Sunset and La Brea to the grocery store. On our way to the grocery I really needed to stop for food ( I had the hungover hunger) so we decided to stop at Subway. Not really that hungry I decided to get a tuna salad feeling it would be lighter and go down better then a sub at this point. So of course Dallas and I who are both Gemini's and are pretty much the same person are both hangover bitchy; here's what happned - he kept putting his pop on my tray I kept moving it he putting it back. I took a sip of his pop he took a sip of mine, I took some tuna salad and put it in his pop, he took it out threw it back in my bowl and poured just a little of his soda in my salad. At this point we pause and stare at each other, like two cowboys ready to draw their guns. Then very slowly with a smile of satisfaction he picks up his soda and dumps the orange liquid all over my salad turning my ever so delicious salad into tuna salad goo. Not over impressed because it cost me $7 (which is out of my budget), I was hungover and hungry I picked up a forkful of tuna salad goo and flung it at him, I got him right in the face. If you could've seen the look on his face, it was priceless, man did I laugh so hard, and so did he. It was on his face in his hair, on his sunglasses and on his shirt, it was all over him. With a hungry stomach but still laughing histarically we left and headed the rest of the way to Ralph's (grocery store).
I don't know if I have mentioned but Dallas is an Aussie so we have different terms for things so when we get to the grocery store he starts calling the buggy a trolly. I said no a trolly is something you ride a buggy is for groceries. He said no a buggy is something you ride and a trolly is something you push. We are going back and forth like this for 5 minutes when I hear giggling. This woman was standing there listening to us bicker and thought it was hilarious she couldn't stop laughing. Dallas even asked her if she thought it was a buggy or trolly but she was laughing to hard she couldn't answer.
Anyways an hour later and $200 worth of groceries (most of them being different flavours of noodles) we are ready to head back only to realize that there is no way we can carry all of our stuff on the bus, and it would be way to heavy to carry home but a cab was way out of our budget. What do we do? M - Dallas maybe we should just take the buggy. D - I was just thinking the same thing. So that was our decision take the buggy. All of a sudden the buggy stalls it wouldn't move and the wheels would just move from side to side. Dallas pulled it back, it was fine, pushed it forward and stopped, it literally got retarded on us. Well, they have these magnetic things all around the property so that you can't steal the buggies. Smart for them bad for us. Now what? Dallas sees a buggy beside a car and decides to pick it up over the magnetic thing. VOILA! We move all our groceries into that buggy and begin our 45 minute trek back to the hostel. Do you have any idea what it is like walking down Melrose Ave. pushing a shopping cart full of groceries while everyone else is walking around with bags from clothing shops. Yup, definately not the most popular kids on the block that day. We might as well wore sings on our back that says "Kick Me!".
We did make it to the beach the next day. Dallas and I went down to Santa Monica the next day and check out the fair on the Santa Monica Pier and just sat and watched the water it was a really relaxing day, a little chilly but really nice and chill. The only bad thing was we ordered burrito's, fries and onion rings for lunch. Not really the greatest idea I have had since I left Canada. We were both in the bathroom for quite a while. I kid you not (for those with weak stomachs do not read any further) it was like a machine gun and then a bomb explosion and then a trumpet played. There were a few minutes I thought I was going to die. I couldn't even eat dinner that night I was still full (if you could even call it that) from the burrito. NEVER AGAIN!
Well thats it for now. I don't have much else to talk about but I think I have given you all enough to read this entry. I will try and post something in a few days. I am off to go buy the boyz some chocolate bunnies and we apparantly have an easter egg hunt at the hostel tonight so that should be fun.
Take care, Happy Easter, and remember to love your Collingwood Cab Drivers.
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